Monday, January 12, 2009

The New Year

Hi y'all

Thanks for all your special Christmas and New Years wishes. I was having a splendid time in sunny Ashburton with my family, getting lots of work doing nothing in!

I did the sum total of about two jobs over my holiday. I helped Mum one morning with dead-heading her roses, (they are beautiful and smell divine). And I helped my brother one afternoon with pulling down some fences. Or rather pulling up some wire as my bit of fence had decided to hide underground for a bit. It was probably cooler there.

Anyhoo, now that I'm back in my flat in Auckland (and about to start work again) I have decided to clean out my room - give some clothes to the Sallies, throw out a lot of useless junk, and find some sort of storage for everything else. When I'm done there I'll be buying an old set of McLaren Amplirfiers (old but amazing) to drive my super-speakers, and THEN, I'm sure, I will be ready to sit down and write a little about my 5 days of holiday in America.

Unless I find a good book...